November 2017 Evolving the market

Evolving the market

Vi står inför stora utmaningar och möjligheter på den europeiska elmarknaden. Det framgick tydligt under den internationella konferensen, Evolving the market – matching future needs, som forskningsprogrammet EFORIS arrangerade den 23 november i Stockholm.

Ladda hem de olika presentationerna från konferensen nedan:

Nordic Cooperation when meeting System Challenges
Ulla Sandborg, Svenska kraftnät

Time for a Second Electricity Market Reform?
Lars Bergman, Stockholm School of Eonomics

Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Promotion in Germany – Lessons Learned?
Christoph Böhringer, University of Oldenburg

Unlocking Investment in a Changing Power Sector
Anne-Malorie Geron, Fortum

Flexibility Choices for Distribution Networks
Marcus Merckel, EWE NETZ

A critical View on Provisions on Demand Response (DR) Aggregation in the Draft Electricity Directive
Tim Mennel, DNY GL

Safeguarding Security of Supply with High Shares of Renewables
Paul Lehmann, University of Leipzig

Peak Load Habits for Sale?
Lars Persson, Umeå University